10 minutes

Loving from a distance, loving from afar, loving can be hard, when one is in the car, and one thousands of miles away, on her bed, trying not to cry her eyes red.
von Carlotta Schäfer
10 minutes
10 minutes
You sit in your car
While I sit on my bed
For 10 minutes
Two phones
Connecting us
And the lives we’ve led
Since the last 10 minutes
One day
One night
So once again
10 minutes
To share
Two hearts
One love
To much too ask
Ten minutes
To treasure
To keep it light
Cause 10 minutes too short
For long feelings
To be applied
10 minutes
Are over
And you are gone
Feels like 10 minutes
one hello
One goodbye
And 10 minutes inbetween
Of how has your day been
Check in
Check out
10 minutes
And the clock goes round
But 10 minutes
I’ll never refuse
Not wanting to loose
10 minutes
Of loving you
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